

Some people love changing their interior design regularly because of trends and fashion, but others want to make something timeless. If you prefer interior designs that last and look great regardless of fashion and trends, then you need to create something classic and neutral.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips House Design 2 November 2023

Wood isn't only great for furniture - it can also be a great material for interior decorations like wooden slats. They can make your interior look great, because they can add unique accents to different parts of your house.

Kate Yakimchuk wood slats interior tips House Design 2 November 2023

Have you ever noticed that most modern interiors tend to look extremely similar? It surely happens because of interior design fashion trends, but there are also a few more reasons to take into account.

Kate Yakimchuk interior similarity mistakes House Design 27 October 2023
dark room

Dark walls are pretty trendy - they can make your interior look sophisticated and stylish. On the other hand, they can make your room feel darker and smaller, and that's why lots of people don't want to use them.

Kate Yakimchuk interior colors tips House Design 22 October 2023

Have you already seen any pictures of those stylish monochrome interiors online? For sure, they look quite stylish - but are they that great in real life?

Kate Yakimchuk interior colors House Design 21 October 2023

The correct arrangement of cutlery is as follows: to the right of the plates are knives and spoons, to the left are forks. Setting a beautiful table at home is easier than at a formal event: you don’t need to learn the purpose of dozens of different forks. Typically, one or two are enough, plus a knife, a soup or pasta spoon, and dessert utensils.

Diana Dashkevich table decoration House Design 20 October 2023
living room

Interiors often have character - some of them are calm and nice, others are loud, colorful, and full of energy. If you want your living room to be impressive, then you need to choose colors and decorations carefully.

Kate Yakimchuk interior impression tips House Design 15 October 2023
living room

When looking for new wallpapers for your house, you can be quite confused because there are too many options available. Most interior designers offer to choose wallpapers without shine or shimmer - they tend to look better in most cases.

Kate Yakimchuk interior wallpapers shimmer House Design 13 October 2023

The quality of a mirror can be determined by its smooth, ideal surface; moreover, there should not be even the slightest distortion of the image or indelible deposits. In addition, the mirror should not have various stains, clouding, air bubbles, etc.

Diana Dashkevich mirror interior interior tips House Design 11 October 2023

Tiebacks, or tiebacks, are an accessory for classic curtains that perform two functions: practical and decorative. Tiebacks are needed to collect and secure curtains, mainly drapes, in a certain position.

Diana Dashkevich curtains interior interior tips House Design 10 October 2023
bedroom interior

If you want to design your interior by yourself, then you need to be pretty careful - there are plenty of things you can forget about. While you might naturally have an amazing taste and sense of beauty, we are all humans, so we tend to forget about important things.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips mistakes House Design 3 October 2023
living room

Many modern interior designs look just stunning, but they aren't always exactly comfortable to live in these houses. It often happens because designers and clients don't always think about convenience and everyday life when remodeling houses.

Kate Yakimchuk interior convenience comfort House Design 3 October 2023

The living room is the most popular place to store books. In addition to traditional shelving, you can arrange storage for books in a non-working fireplace, under a console or coffee table. Bookshelves are suitable for zoning a room to separate the rest area from the dining room or work area.

Diana Dashkevich books interior interior tips House Design 3 October 2023
beige room

Color plays a huge role in creating a perfect interior design that creates a very specific mood and atmosphere. That's why most modern interior designers agree that beige interiors are better than white ones - they just feel differently.

Kate Yakimchuk interior colors tips House Design 1 October 2023

White color is perhaps the most practical. Fingerprints, dust, and water drops are not visible on it.

Diana Dashkevich kitchen ceilings design tips House Design 1 October 2023

Spiral staircases are a good option for small houses, as they significantly save space. The material for the manufacture of such structures can be either metal or natural wood. The basis is a special pillar or rack; the steps are attached to it.

Diana Dashkevich stairs materials interior House Design 30 September 2023

Curtains from wall to wall make the window visually wider (as if the window extends to the wall, but is covered with curtains), and the height from the ceiling to the floor (you can even “put” the curtains slightly on the floor) makes the ceilings visually higher.

Diana Dashkevich interior interior tips House Design 29 September 2023

Choosing the color of façade paint is much more difficult than choosing interior paint. Daylight greatly changes the perception of color, and experts recommend immediately choosing a color that is 1-3 tones warmer than the main one chosen in order to get the very harmonious and desired result.

Diana Dashkevich colors paint House Design 28 September 2023
sad woman

Imagine you hired a professional to create an interior design for you, and you end up not liking the final result. It can be quite disappointing and even devastating for some people, but it's not the end of the world - there are still a few things you can do.

Kate Yakimchuk interior disappointment tips designers House Design 27 September 2023

Therefore, if you want your bathroom to look presentable, you will have to pay attention to furniture made of MDF, stone or wood. Fiberboard is the most preferred material of most furniture manufacturers.

Diana Dashkevich bathroom interior interior tips House Design 27 September 2023