

If you have kids, then you should think twice about every interior decision you make when remodeling your house or buying new stuff. Some of these decisions can be just inconvenient or hard to maintain clean, but others can be even dangerous for your kids.

Kate Yakimchuk children safety house safety interior tips House Design 1 December 2023

Lots of people spend plenty of time in their kitchens - they cook, eat, or simply spend time there. To make this place look amazing and cozy, you should make it beautiful - and that's when modern kitchen interior trends can help.

Kate Yakimchuk kitchen design interior fashion trends tips House Design 30 November 2023

The following trends will be at the peak of popularity: natural materials, geometric patterns, tropical style, metallic shades and abstract patterns.

Diana Dashkevich wallpapers interior interior tips design tips House Design 30 November 2023

If you love combining old and new things, and you also like some retro and vintage details, then retro fusion might be perfect for you. This interior style combines various details of the past with modern trends, creating a colorful, expressive, and unique look.

Kate Yakimchuk retro fusion interior style tips atmosphere House Design 29 November 2023

Firstly, look at the main tone of the photo, and secondly, at the design of the room.

Diana Dashkevich interior tips interior design tips home House Design 28 November 2023

When you create a beautiful bedroom for yourself, then you should choose your design carefully - you should actually enjoy your bedroom! While guest bedrooms can look pretty simple, master bedrooms tend to look just amazing, both stylish and comfortable.

Kate Yakimchuk bedroom interior style House Design 26 November 2023
contemporary interior

You feel like it's time to change something about your house, but you don't know exactly what you want? It's time to look for inspiration and references then! Luckily, there are lots of sources of inspiration that you can use.

Kate Yakimchuk interior inspiration makeover remodeling House Design 26 November 2023

If you want your house to be your workplace, then you have to make it convenient and suitable for you. One of the basic things that can affect your productivity is your color choice, because colors can affect your mood and mental state a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk interior colors productivity mood House Design 25 November 2023

If you love fresh flowers, then you should have at least one vase - and it's better suit your interior well! Nowadays, you can choose from lots of styles and designs, so your vase can actually complement your living room or bedroom.

Kate Yakimchuk vase decoration style choosing House Design 22 November 2023

Deep colors can include regular gray, chocolate brown, emerald, indigo, purple, burgundy and even black. Of course, this color type of sofa is more practical and does not require frequent cleaning, but it must be used wisely.

Diana Dashkevich furniture interior materials House Design 22 November 2023

Older people don't always get these new interior trends, but they also deserve to live in convenient and beautiful living spaces. To make the modern interior pleasant and convenient for older people, you should adapt it, so it's both classy and contemporary.

Kate Yakimchuk interior seniors tips House Design 21 November 2023

Nowadays, there are plenty of wallpaper designs you can use to decorate your house, including minimalistic and busy ones. While some bold and bright wallpapers can be perfect for accent walls, you shouldn't use them everywhere, or they can ruin your design.

Kate Yakimchuk wallpapers mistakes style House Design 19 November 2023

If you love Scandinavian interiors but can't afford a full house makeover, then you still can add some Scandinavian details! By adding some decor and lighting, you can turn your interior into a Scandi-like modern living space.

Kate Yakimchuk style interior tips House Design 18 November 2023

If you constantly miss the sun and want to make your interior bright, colorful, and energetic, then you can add some tropical vibe to your house. You can achieve that by adding specific colors, patterns, and decorations to your living room.

Kate Yakimchuk atmosphere interior style House Design 15 November 2023

If you have a collection that you're proud of, then you probably want others to see it - but how can you do that? Mugs can be quite easy to break, so you need a safe but beautiful way to showcase them.

Kate Yakimchuk mugs collection interior House Design 12 November 2023
feng shui

Modern interior design often combines useful classic ideas to create new but amazing approaches to interior design. For instance, Feng Shui methods are still widely used in many modern designs.

Kate Yakimchuk feng-shui interior style House Design 11 November 2023

Sometimes harsh or unusual conditions can make people creative, so they build unusual and surprising houses. The most unusual houses in the world aren't just creative - they are also suitable for actually living in them!

Kate Yakimchuk architecture houses House Design 10 November 2023

One of the easiest ways to keep your house clean when you have kids is to create a special dedicated zone for them to play. This playzone should be convenient, safe, and entertaining, so your kids can actually enjoy playing there.

Kate Yakimchuk children interior House Design 9 November 2023

One of the most popular interior trends these days is being eco-friendly - you can see that in many fashionable places. This trend usually includes natural materials, light colors, and plenty of houseplants, so everything looks clean, nice, and green.

Kate Yakimchuk interior ecology trends tips House Design 7 November 2023

Interior design has evolved to be just as important as the functionality of a space.  It's not merely about arranging furniture for practical use; it's about creating an environment that is aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and reflective of one's personal style.

Kate Yakimchuk interior functionality creativity House Design 3 November 2023