Последние новости за 24 декабря 2023 года


Сочи накрыла непогода и прогнозы неутешительные - штормовое предупреждение, лавиноопасность, порывы ветра до 32 метров в секунду.

Игорь Зур Российская Федерация Краснодарский край Сочи штормовое предупреждение непогода Общество

Healthy sleep is a huge part of everyone's healthy life, so when it goes wrong, then it usually has serious reasons. In many cases, sleep pattern issues can be associated with mental health problems.

Kate Yakimchuk sleep patterns mental health personality health issues Psychology

If you want your garden to be more exotic and diverse, then you can grow some unusual and beautiful plants there. For instance, edelweiss usually grows in mountain regions, but you still can grow it in your garden!

Kate Yakimchuk edelweiss gardening tips garden flowers conditions planting Garden

Everyone knows that future moms shouldn't drink, but people often forget about the fact that future dads should be sober too. Researchers found that the negative effects of alcohol on sperm last much longer than previously thought, extending beyond a month.

Kate Yakimchuk research health alcohol baby health baby planning Psychology

While some people might develop strong empathy after experiencing something bad, others might lose it partially or completely. While it doesn't happen to everyone, it's quite possible, and people might not even realize that it happens to them.

Kate Yakimchuk empathy trauma psychologist tips mental health communication Psychology

If you love minimalism and dislike seeing lots of cords from gadgets and appliances, then you might consider doing a room makeover. Meanwhile, it's not an option for everyone - it takes lots of money, and it also takes time, which isn't always an option.

Kate Yakimchuk cords cables interior tips interior mistakes remodeling House Design

Mushrooms are amazing on their own - they are diverse, delicious, and also quite healthy! They can also be quite beneficial for people who are dieting or trying to lose some extra weight.

Kate Yakimchuk mushrooms healthy food weight management food benefits Cooking