

You can wash your floors and clean your kitchen regularly, but still end up with a house that looks dirty. It's sometimes hard for people to notice all the little details when cleaning their house.

Kate Yakimchuk dirt cleaning tips cleaning mistakes maintenance Helpful tips 20 December 2023

To remove rust, you can use a bleaching gel, regardless of the color of your clothes. To do this you need to: Apply the gel to the rust stains and rub well into the fabric. Leave to act in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Diana Dashkevich clothes clothing care stains washing tips Helpful tips 20 December 2023

If you walk your dog daily, then you probably have to clean its paws one or more times a day as well. Small puppies tend to dislike the process a lot, but proper training can help them tolerate it better.

Kate Yakimchuk dog training paws pet owners dogs Animals 18 December 2023

Soda (sodium bicarbonate). Prepare an aqueous solution at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate per 1 liter of hot liquid and place plates in it. Leave for 1 hour. Then wipe with a kitchen sponge and rinse under running tap.

Diana Dashkevich dishes washing the dishes cleaning tips Helpful tips 16 December 2023

A washing vacuum cleaner does a good job of removing fine cat hair. It also eliminates odors and dust, although old stains may not be effective. The carpet will be wet for some time and will need time to dry; A wet brush for short hair is quite suitable for cleaning a small rug.

Diana Dashkevich carpet pets cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips 9 December 2023

A solution of 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water will help to refresh the pile. Apply the liquid with a soft brush and vacuum the carpet after drying. If there are old stains on the carpet, use a more concentrated product by mixing 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 0.7 liters of water.

Diana Dashkevich carpet cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips 9 December 2023

Dust can be accumulated basically everywhere in your house, and some of these places are pretty hard-to-reach. While you can't normally see dust behind your furniture or at the top, this dust can easily spoil your air or move to other objects.

Kate Yakimchuk dusting house cleaning dusting tips hygiene Helpful tips 5 December 2023

Some cleaning solutions can be very versatile, and you can clean lots of surfaces and material using them. For instance, window cleaners can be quite useful for house cleaning, and they can help you not just with glass surfaces of your house.

Kate Yakimchuk glass cleaning cleaning solutions materials maintenance Helpful tips 4 December 2023

Your fridge has to be clean to be a safe space for your food storage, but also it's food that makes it dirty quite quickly. Though you don't have to clean it daily (or sometimes even weekly), you still need to take care of your fridge occasionally.

Kate Yakimchuk fridge cleaning fridge house cleaning tips Helpful tips 4 December 2023

It's always easier to clean your house when you have all the supplies that can help you. It's not only about the cleaning solutions, but also various tools and mops that are comfortable and easy to use.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tools. cleaning appliances cleaning sponge Helpful tips 3 December 2023

Most often, things need to be soaked for several hours in water with bleach and washed. On the other hand, add the product directly to the washing machine along with the powder.

Diana Dashkevich clothes cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips 2 December 2023

Lots of people face situations when it's physically hard to clean their houses - and it happens not only to older people. You can have a stomach ache or even break your arm one day, so house maintenance can immediately become almost impossible.

Kate Yakimchuk house cleaning cleaning tips immobility problems Helpful tips 1 December 2023

If you live alone, then you might not make your house dirty too quickly, but you still need to clean it regularly. It's often hard to arrange a huge house cleaning when you feel like no one is forcing you to do it soon, but this cleaning day will eventually come.

Kate Yakimchuk living alone house cleaning tips maintenance Helpful tips 1 December 2023

The smell of mold can be removed using deodorants, as well as after thoroughly ventilating the room. Baking soda can be an excellent solution to this issue.

Diana Dashkevich clothes clothing care cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips 1 December 2023

If your friends or relatives have a habit of visiting you randomly, then you should have a habit of cleaning your house quickly. While quick cleaning can't replace huge regular cleaning and maintenance, it can make your house look significantly better in no time.

Kate Yakimchuk house cleaning cleaning tips guests maintenance Helpful tips 30 November 2023

It is better to remove traces of splashes with peroxide, using a cotton swab.

Diana Dashkevich stains cleaning washing tips cleaning tips Helpful tips 30 November 2023

Even lazy people have to clean their houses - they just often choose the simplest ways to maintain everything nice and clean. To make your house cleaning more productive, you can try some of the lazy cleaning hacks - they actually work!

Kate Yakimchuk lazy cleaning cleaning tips maintenance lifehacks Helpful tips 29 November 2023

How often you descale your washing machine depends on how hard your water is and what detergent you use.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning washing machine cleaning tips Helpful tips 29 November 2023

If the fur coat is not badly damaged during storage and there are no serious stains on it, then you can clean it yourself.

Diana Dashkevich fur cleaning cleaning tips housekeeping tips Helpful tips 28 November 2023

Before you start washing, you need to sort all your dirty laundry, as white items should be washed separately from dark and colored items. If you wash your clothes in a washing machine, you must fasten all the buttons and zippers on the items.

Diana Dashkevich clothes advices tips Helpful tips 25 November 2023