Psychologist's Explanation: Who Are Narcissists

03.07.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

In the article we will talk about how people with a narcissistic personality tendency differ.

Features of people with narcissistic personality traits

Narcissists don't know how to listen to anyone but themselves. They are so engrossed in maintaining status that they simply cannot see anything around them. All they care about is recognition. And in a cruel irony, the more the narcissist focuses on himself, the sooner he moves away from society and plunges himself into not at all voluntary isolation.

The narcissist's victim feels manipulated into putting the other's needs and wants first and often ignoring their own. If this does not happen, the narcissist punishes them, threatens them and becomes aggressive, causing them fear and remorse.

A narcissist may also meet the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, a mental health diagnosis that affects about 1% of people. It's broadly described as a pervasive pattern of exhibiting grandiosity, needing admiration and lacking empathy.

What kind of person does a narcissist need

He or she needs mirror people or people who have status in society or are admired. He or she needs them to emphasize his significance and greatness. It often happens that a narcissist chooses a person for external data or other successes and is not able to notice, appreciate his or her inner world and feelings.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Features of people with narcissistic personality traits
  2. What kind of person does a narcissist need