New Study: What Links Psychopathic Tendencies in Men

21.06.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Psychopathy is a collection of personality traits associated with antisocial and aggressive behavior. Various factors, both environmental and biological, can contribute to the development of psychopathic personality traits.

Results of the study of male psychopathy

According to a new study published in Heliyon, the development of psychopathy in men may be influenced by exposure to testosterone in the womb. However, no such pattern was found in women.

The results of the study complemented modern ideas about the formation of psychopathy when exposed to testosterone prenatally.

Prior to this, studies of this relationship have also been carried out. However, Catherine Peresi and her colleagues decided to study the issue in more depth: the relationship of testerone in the womb and the presence of three traits of psychopathy in a child. These include self-centeredness, lack of empathy, and antisocial behavior.

The amount of testosterone in the womb also affects the ratio between the length of the index and middle fingers on one hand.

Photo: Pixabay

The men in the group showed this difference and had some psychopathic personality traits. In women with the same ratio of fingers, psychopathic features were not found.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource