

It turned out that pigs have excellent long-term memory, skills in arranging objects in space, and can navigate mazes. They also understand simple symbolic language and can recognize complex combinations of actions.

Diana Dashkevich animal facts pets facts communication facts Animals 19 December 2023

Although a pig is always associated with an unpleasant odor and dirt, it can easily get rid of all parasites. Their favorite mud baths contribute to this, so it is a fairly conscious process. In addition, a layer of dirt protects them from the sun's rays and keeps them cool.

Diana Dashkevich pets pets facts animal facts intelligence Animals 6 December 2023

Everyone loves when people speak in a softer tone, and animals are no exception. Most people know that pets understand human intonations, but it seems that other domesticated animals understand voice tones as well.

Kate Yakimchuk research speech understanding horses Animals 18 November 2023

Pig Although many consider pigs to be dirty, lazy and not very smart, the truth is that these animals not only prefer to be active and clean, but also have high intelligence. Pigs solve mazes, show emotions, and also understand symbolic language.

Diana Dashkevich intelligence animal facts Animals 8 August 2023

Contrary to popular belief, pigs can actually be very clean animals when given the proper environment and care.  The misconception that pigs are dirty likely arises from their natural behavior and habitat, as well as their portrayal in certain contexts. 

Kate Yakimchuk hygiene habits Animals 8 August 2023

Keeping mini-pigs in an apartment or house is not recommended; it is best to build a special pen for the pet in the yard.

Diana Dashkevich pets animal care pets facts Animals 6 August 2023

Pigs are often portrayed as dirty and silly animals, but they aren't like that - they can actually be pretty smart! As domesticated animals, they are way more intelligent than you might expect.

Kate Yakimchuk animal facts intelligence Animals 6 July 2023