You can't clean everything with alcohol: Housekeeping tips

04.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

When getting rid of dirt, lots of people use alcohol and cleaners that contain it - simply because it's highly effective.

While it's actually really effective, it can also cause lots of problems, because it can damage different types of surfaces.

Let's find out why cleaning with alcohol isn't always a great idea.

Materials Matter

Different things are made of different materials. 

Alcohol can be too strong for some materials like certain plastics, leather, or delicate fabrics. 

spray cleaner

It might cause them to fade, discolor, or become brittle.

Electronics and Screens

Alcohol can harm electronic devices like smartphones and computers. It might damage their delicate screens and components.

Food and Dishes

Alcohol isn't safe for cleaning items that come into contact with food, like plates and utensils. Residues from the alcohol could be harmful if ingested.


On certain types of wood, alcohol might strip away the finish or cause the wood to dry out and crack.

Chemical Reactions

Alcohol can react with some chemicals, creating potentially dangerous or toxic fumes.

Fire Hazard

Alcohol is flammable, so using it on hot surfaces or near open flames can be dangerous.


So, while alcohol can be a good cleaner for many things, it's important to be cautious and use the right cleaning products for specific items to avoid damaging them or causing safety issues.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Materials Matter
  2. Electronics and Screens
  3. Food and Dishes
  4. Wood
  5. Chemical Reactions
  6. Fire Hazard
  7. Conclusion