Useful Tips: How to Purify Water in the House

02.02.2024 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Water is used constantly in everyday life, but what flows from the tap is not always safe, therefore, in order to rid water of harmful impurities, there are certain methods of purifying water in everyday life, for example, boiling, settling, freezing and filtration using various modern technologies.

How to purify water

Therefore, to obtain household water, three-level purification is sufficient (mechanical, softening and removal of chlorine), and for drinking water, disinfection or reverse osmosis should be added.

Installing a water purification system in an apartment allows you to clean, soften and disinfect water.

What to add to water for purification

Iodine An alcohol solution of iodine is used as a method of water disinfection in extreme cases.

Per liter of water, 3-4 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine are enough.


After disinfection with iodine, if possible, it is worth filtering the water through a household filter.

How to purify water at home without a filter

Having a couple of packs of coal in tablets at home, you can purify the water yourself.

To do this you need: take 1 tablet for 1 liter of water, place it in a gauze bag and tie it tightly.

Then lower this simple “construction” into a vessel with liquid and leave it for 7-8 hours, and then you can use the purified water for its intended purpose.

Previously, we told you how to remove ink stains from clothes.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to purify water
  2. What to add to water for purification
  3. How to purify water at home without a filter