Stains that are the hardest to clean: Avoid them at all costs

21.06.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

While some stains just require a regular washing, some stains are particularly hard to get rid of.

If you don't want your items to be ruined completely, it's easier to avoid them at all costs.

Here are a few examples of stains that are extremely difficult to clean.

Oil-based stains

Oil-based stains tend to penetrate fabrics or porous surfaces, making them stubborn to remove with regular cleaning methods. 

Red wine stains

The dark color of red wine can leave a noticeable stain if not treated promptly. Immediate blotting with a clean cloth and then using a specialized stain remover or mild detergent can help minimize the stain's impact.

wine stain

Ink stains

Ink, whether from pens, markers, or printers, can be challenging to remove from various surfaces. 

Rust stains

Rust stains can be particularly stubborn on fabrics, porcelain, or other porous surfaces. 

Removing rust stains usually involves using specialized rust removers or natural remedies like lemon juice and salt, along with gentle scrubbing.

Dye stains

Dyes can bond with fibers, making them resistant to regular cleaning methods. 

Treating dye stains promptly, preferably with an appropriate stain remover or by professional cleaning methods, can improve the chances of successful removal.

Blood stains

Blood contains proteins that can coagulate and bond with fabrics, making them difficult to remove. 

Cold water should be used to treat fresh blood stains, as warm or hot water can cause the proteins to set further. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Oil-based stains
  2. Red wine stains
  3. Ink stains
  4. Rust stains
  5. Dye stains
  6. Blood stains