Make a surface dust-repellent: Housekeeping tips

27.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Have you ever noticed that some surfaces tend to attract lots of dust?

If you're tired of dusting them too regularly, then you can try using one of our dust-repellent tips!

Let's see what can help you.

Prepare the Surface

Begin by ensuring the surface is clean and free from any dust, dirt, or grime. 

Use a damp cloth or a suitable cleaning solution to wipe down the surface. Allow it to dry completely.


Mix Your Dust-Repellent Solution

If you're making your own dust-repellent solution, mix a few drops of mild dish soap with water in a spray bottle. 

The soap helps to break the surface tension and allows the solution to spread more evenly.


Hold the spray bottle about 8-12 inches away from the surface and apply a light, even mist of the dust-repellent solution. 

Be careful not to oversaturate the surface.

Spread the Solution

Use a clean, lint-free cloth or microfiber cloth to gently spread the solution evenly across the surface. 

Ensure that the entire area is covered. This step helps to create a thin, protective layer.

Buffing (if needed)

If there are any streaks or excess residue, use a clean, dry cloth to buff the surface gently. 

This will help ensure an even application and a smooth finish.

Allow to Dry

Let the surface air dry naturally. Avoid touching or using the surface until it's completely dry.

Reapplication (as needed)

Depending on the product or solution you use, you may need to reapply the dust-repellent treatment periodically. 

Factors like usage, exposure to elements, and cleaning habits will determine how often reapplication is necessary.


Remember, while a dust-repellent treatment can help minimize dust accumulation, it won't make the surface completely immune to dust. 

Regular maintenance and cleaning are still important for keeping your surfaces looking their best.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Prepare the Surface
  2. Mix Your Dust-Repellent Solution
  3. Application
  4. Spread the Solution
  5. Buffing (if needed)
  6. Allow to Dry
  7. Reapplication (as needed)
  8. Conclusion