Air-drying isn't always great: Housekeeping tips

24.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Most people just air dry their wooden cutting boards, thinking that it's enough to keep them safe and beautiful.

Meanwhile, it's usually not - and this type of drying can only cause damage to natural wood.

Here are a few reasons for that.


Wooden cutting boards are made of natural wood, which is porous. 

When they get wet, the wood absorbs water, causing it to expand. As the board dries, the moisture evaporates, and the wood contracts. 

cutting board

This repeated swelling and shrinking can lead to warping, where the board becomes uneven or curved.


Rapid drying through air exposure can also cause cracks in wooden cutting boards. 

When the surface of the wood dries quickly, it can create stress within the board, resulting in cracks, especially if the wood is old or not properly maintained.

Bacterial Growth

Allowing moisture to remain on the cutting board can promote the growth of harmful bacteria. 

When wooden cutting boards stay damp, bacteria find it easier to thrive in the wood's natural grooves and pores. 

Properly drying the board helps minimize this risk.


To prevent warping, cracking, and bacterial growth, it's essential to towel-dry your wooden cutting board thoroughly after washing it. 

Additionally, periodic maintenance with food-grade mineral oil or a mixture of beeswax and mineral oil can help protect and preserve the board's condition.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Warping
  2. Cracking
  3. Bacterial Growth
  4. Conclusion