Imbalanced interior design: How to fix lack of balance in your living space

10.06.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Our houses don't always look like interior design trends from magazines, and that's fine - houses are meant for living, not just displaying your sense of style or taste.

At the same time, a well-balanced design can make you feel better, improve your rest and mood significantly.

That's how you can make your interior design more balanced.

Scale and Proportion

Avoid overcrowding a room with oversized furniture or filling it with too many small items. 

Ensure that the sizes of different elements are well-balanced to create a visually pleasing composition.


Color and Pattern

Use a balanced color palette throughout the space, incorporating complementary or analogous colors. 

When using patterns, mix larger patterns with smaller ones and balance busy patterns with more subdued ones to create a harmonious overall look.

Visual Focal Point

Establish a focal point in the room to create a sense of balance. 

Arrange other elements in the space around the focal point to create a visually balanced composition.

Open Space

Avoid cluttering every corner and surface with objects. 

Allow for visual breathing room, giving the eye a chance to rest and appreciate the elements that are present.


Balance the lighting in the room by incorporating a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting. 

Adequate lighting throughout the space helps create a balanced visual environment and highlights key elements. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Scale and Proportion
  2. Color and Pattern
  3. Visual Focal Point
  4. Open Space
  5. Lighting