How to remove lime plaque in the bathroom in a couple of minutes: the trick of housewives

29.04.2022 09:15

Lime plaque in the bathroom is a problem of many housewives. 

They are forced to put a lot of effort and spend money on household chemicals so that the plumbing again shines with cleanliness.

However, the plaque appears soon even after the most thorough cleaning.

The reason is the salts and minerals that are contained in hard tap water. When they accumulate, a yellow crust forms.

But there is one cheap tool that helps to remove plaque and at the same time saves housewives time. 

Foto: Pixabay

It's about citric acid. 

This substance perfectly removes dirt, and also does not harm sinks and bathrooms. 

You just need to dissolve 250 grams of lemon juice in half a liter of warm water.

As soon as all the granules are dissolved, the mixture can be applied to the contaminated surface. 

The remedy should be left for 15 minutes, and then rub with a sponge soaked in the solution. After that, the mixture can be washed off with clean water.