Nymphaea: Growing and Care

09.10.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Nymphaea prefer stagnant water, and if in your pond they are located near a fountain, waterfall, or are splashed, there is a chance that such water lilies will bloom very poorly.

How to grow nymphaea correctly

Move the nymphs to a quieter location.

Shaded place and too cold water.

Nympheas are considered light-loving plants.

The optimal depth for most nymphs is approximately 40–80 cm from the growing point to the surface of the water.


This condition will give you faster formation of a separate full-fledged plant and subsequently good growth and flowering of the water lily.

Nymphs need fertile soil rich in minerals.

How to plant nymphaea in a pond

To do this, carefully crimp the container and remove the nymphaea along with a lump of earth, go to a depth of 80 - 100 cm, rake the sapropel a little to the sides with your feet and lower your nymph into this place.

Nymphaea quickly adapts to new conditions, grows and delights with its flowering.

How does Nymphaea reproduce

Nymphea reproduces by seed and vegetatively.

With proper maintenance, the plant blooms in the summer-autumn period.

How long do nymphaea bloom

Each nymphea flower blooms for 3 to 5 days depending on water temperature and sunlight.

Mature plants bloom continuously throughout the season.

When to replant Nymphaea

You can replant nymphs using the transshipment method all season from early spring to late autumn, since you do not injure the plant.

But it is best to divide nymphs from May to early - mid-August.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow nymphaea correctly
  2. How to plant nymphaea in a pond
  3. How does Nymphaea reproduce
  4. How long do nymphaea bloom
  5. When to replant Nymphaea