footwear care


If you wear basically one pair of boots or shoes daily, then you might notice some new holes in it soon. Sometimes these holes are quite easy to notice, but sometimes it might be hard to see them until you step in a pool.

Kate Yakimchuk holes boots maintenance clothing care Helpful tips 26 January 2024

If your shoes get wet, then you should dry them as soon as you come home, so you won't damage them. Leaving them wet can lead to material damage, bad smells, or even mold appearing inside.

Kate Yakimchuk drying clothing care tips maintenance Helpful tips 26 January 2024
old shoe

Have you ever noticed that some people tend to wear off their shoes way faster (or slower) than you do? The rate at which footwear wears off can vary depending on several factors. 

Kate Yakimchuk footwear clothing care Helpful tips 19 July 2023