

If you want your garden plants to thrive, then you need fertilizers - and you're free to choose between chemical and biological ones. Bacterial fertilizers can help you improve your soil quality while harming neither plants nor the environment, and that's why they're great.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening farming advice Garden 4 October 2023

When feeding your garden plants, you don't have to stick to usual options - there are plenty of unusual methods that can help! Plants can get their nutrients from some regular things as well, not just store-bought fertilizers.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips Garden 29 September 2023

Gardening is an old, old activity - and though it's still extremely popular and important, it's pretty much different from what it used to be. Life was way harder for gardeners and farmers of the past, because they didn't have access to tools and fertilizers we have now.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening history Garden 28 September 2023

To make plants thrive, you need to provide the best conditions for them - and one of them is having fertile soil. If your soil is infertile, then your plants won't get all the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy, so you need to do something early.

Kate Yakimchuk soil gardening plants Garden 22 September 2023

Gardening isn't just about fruit plants - it's also about beautiful green lawns that decorate your house. While grass is usually pretty easy to take care of, lawns still need fertilizers that can help them grow better.

Kate Yakimchuk lawn grass tips Garden 17 September 2023

Gardeners want their plants to thrive - and sometimes it leads to them making mistakes with the best intentions. Fertilizers can be extremely useful, but you need to know how to use them correctly - or else you can just damage your plants.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening mistakes Garden 16 September 2023

If you're new to gardening, then lots of terms may sound strange or even terrifying to you - just like nitrates. While it sounds like it's a terrible chemical that can ruin your eco-friendly garden, it's not - actually, it's pretty useful and even essential.

Kate Yakimchuk nitrates gardening tips Garden 12 September 2023

Gardeners need to fertilize their plants regularly, so they can get all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Overfertilizing plants means giving them too much plant food, and this can actually harm them. 

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips plants Garden 11 September 2023

If your soil lacks fertility, achieving a bountiful harvest becomes challenging.  However, there are a few steps you can take to improve the fertility of your garden soil and create an ideal environment for plant growth. 

Kate Yakimchuk soil infertile gardening tips Garden 18 July 2023

If you want to fertilize your garden with organic solutions, then you should try using food waste to "feed" your garden. Using compost can be effective and beneficial, and it's also safe for your health and the environment.

Kate Yakimchuk compost gardening tips eco tips Garden 25 June 2023

When you start gardening, you might think that fertilizing your garden a lot is the best way to make sure that your plants get all they need from soil. In fact, overfertilizing can be as damaging as the lack of fertilizers, or sometimes even worse.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening mistakes planting soil Garden 24 June 2023

Not only your garden plants, but also houseplants require fertilizers sometimes. But garden fertilizers aren't always safe and convenient enough to use at home.

Kate Yakimchuk houseplants planting plants Garden 23 June 2023

Compost is one of the healthiest and cheapest things you can use to benefit your garden. It can make your plants healthier, and it can also help you control water and erosion.

Kate Yakimchuk compost gardening tips soil Garden 18 June 2023
tomato plant

Both dry and liquid fertilizers can be extremely helpful for gardeners. Sometimes you can combine them to achieve better results, but sometimes you have to stick to one option.

Kate Yakimchuk planting gardening tips tomatoes Garden 16 June 2023

People who are interested in gardening often use biohumus to help their plants become strong and fertilized. Adding biohumus can be very beneficial, and it's pretty natural, so it doesn't damage the environment.

Kate Yakimchuk biohumus soil gardening tips Garden 14 June 2023

While most wild plants can collect all the elements they need from the soil, garden plants usually need fertilizers to thrive. Strawberries in your garden need to be fertilized - it allows them to grow better.

Kate Yakimchuk strawberries gardening tips planting Garden 11 June 2023

Lots of wold-growing plants don't need any fertilizers at all, so why do you need to fertilize your garden regularly? Modern substances allow you to have amazing harvests, because they are designed to give your plants what they need.

Kate Yakimchuk planting gardening tips Garden 4 June 2023

Modern pesticides are claimed to be highly effective and harmless for both plants and people. At the same time, wrong amounts and usage of them can potentially affect your garden.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips planting Garden 31 May 2023

Although organic fertilizers can be very beneficial, they do not always give the same results as mineral fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers can be beneficial for gardening in several ways.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening gardening tips Garden 29 May 2023

Calcium is one of the important elements for the growth of fruits, vegetables and berries. The substance makes plants less susceptible to diseases and pests.

Diana Dashkevich gardening soil tips Garden 26 May 2023