Why cottage-cheese pancakes break up and burn, but they fail to be lush: 2 tricks that will fix everything

08.04.2022 19:15

Flat, tasteless, dry cottage-cheese pancakes that fall apart in a pan and burn - in most cases, this picture is observed by inexperienced housewives.

2 tricks will correct the situation and the cottage-cheese pancakeswill definitely be cooked and juicy, and lush, and tall and will not collapse.

First, you need to take into account that in cottage-cheese pancakes a lot depends on the quality of the cottage cheese.

If the cottage cheese is stale, dry or sour, the pancakes will be the same.

From granular and wet cottage cheese, ideal pancakes will not work either.

Foto: Pixabay

In addition, the first trick is how much to add eggs. Cottage-cheese pancakes do not like a lot of proteins.

Due to the excess of protein, cottage-cheese pancakes turn out to be tough and dense, at the same time, it is protein that connects all the ingredients, so eggs are needed in pancakes.

The ideal proportions are 1 egg per 300 grams of cottage cheese or 2 yolks and 1 protein per 400 grams of cottage cheese.

The second trick is to use a meat grinder or sieve.

Unexpectedly, but true: the meat grinder “presses” the cottage cheese, making the mass absolutely smooth.

Pancakes from such cottage cheese are ideal in density, do not collapse. If there is not much cottage cheese, you can grind it with a sieve.

As for the other ingredients, there are no special tricks here: add no more than 4 tablespoons of flour, no more than 2 tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of backing soda.

Backing soda neutralizes the acid and raises the “sides” of cottage-cheese pancakes, so it is better not to neglect this ingredient.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource