color choice


Red is a difficult color to use in interiors. It is important to know about some points.

Diana Dashkevich interior interior tips colors design House Design 30 May 2024

The perception of black color in the interior depends on lighting, additional color accents, and textures.

Diana Dashkevich interior interior tips colors House Design 14 February 2024

When choosing main and accent colors for their interior designs, people often use bright and clean shades – and they often ruin their designs. While professional designers often use bright colors too, they tend to choose different shades, so their designs look generally better.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips shades style mistakes House Design 28 January 2024

Most people choose white or at least light ceilings when creating their interior designs – they are traditional and neutral. Meanwhile, dark ceilings can also work well, especially when you know how to use them wisely.

Kate Yakimchuk ceilings interior tips style makeover House Design 24 January 2024

Different colors create different visual effects, and that's why you need to choose them carefully when creating your interior design. For instance, if your room has a high ceiling, then some colors can make it look even higher, or way lower.

Kate Yakimchuk colors interior tips ceilings style House Design 6 January 2024

By surrounding ourselves with what we like, we reveal our inner potential and release the energy of creation and creativity.

Diana Dashkevich interior colors interior tips interior mistakes House Design 6 January 2024

While interior trends change quickly, some basic rules seem to stay with use forever - simply because they work so well! For instance, most interior designers prefer lighter colors, so they choose light wallpapers.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips wallpapers design tips House Design 25 December 2023

Not only design or materials, but also color of your furniture can affect your interior design a lot. To make your design perfect, your furniture should really suit the style and color palette of your room.

Kate Yakimchuk furniture colors interior tips style House Design 20 December 2023

If your bedroom doesn't have enough sunlight during the day, or it doesn't have windows, then it might have a pretty dark atmosphere. Dark bedrooms can be quite stylish and cozy, and you should need to choose suitable wallpapers for them.

Kate Yakimchuk bedroom dark interiors wallpapers ideas House Design 2 December 2023