Why cats love to sit in boxes: pet owners need to know this

03.03.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Cats often hide in boxes and play with them.

In this article, you will find out why your pet behaves this way.

Why cats love boxes

Cats love small spaces. This way the animals feel safe, which is much better for them than exposing themselves to danger in open spaces.

The boxes provide warmth similar to what kittens receive from their mothers.

In addition, the reaction to a box or package is dictated by wild cat instincts.


If a cat hears something rustling or has a certain smell, the animal perceives it as prey or play.

This reason is completely irrational and is actually a pure reflex and instinct of your cat.

Plastic objects may seem like prey that needs to be caught in order to be eaten, which is why your pet wants to bite it.

Experts believe that cats have a natural desire for shelter.

Fearful and anxious cats feel the need to hide away from prying eyes.

Are cardboard boxes safe for cats

Cardboard is a natural material; cats do not like the smell of chemical additives.

The natural smell of cardboard attracts cats.

There is nothing to worry about if a cat swallows a piece of cardboard.

However, animals that chew boxes, tissues, and toilet paper may suffer from peak syndrome.

This means that the cat wants to eat non-food items. For example, paper, wool or plastic.

If this is a frequent occurrence, you may need to take your cat to the vet.

Chewing paper also satisfies a cat's natural hunting urge.

Previously, we talked about why dogs bark.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why cats love boxes
  2. Are cardboard boxes safe for cats