Good for pets, bad for humans: More about pet food

08.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

You already know that you shouldn't feed your pet with specific human foods, but what about the things your pets actually can eat?

There are plenty of things that your cat or your dog can digest that you can't, so you shouldn't be worried about them eating these things.

Let's find out more about such foods.


Pets like to chew on bones, and it's generally safe for them. But for people, especially kids, bones can be dangerous. 

They can splinter and cause choking or hurt our digestive system.

dog treats

Raw Meat

Dogs and cats can handle raw meat better than humans because their stomachs are more robust. 

Eating raw meat can make people sick because it might have harmful bacteria.

Fish Bones

Some pets can eat small fish bones without a problem. 

But fish bones can be sharp and risky for people to eat because they might get stuck in our throat or hurt our insides.

Dog or Cat Food

This food is designed for pets and may not have all the nutrients that people need. 

If people eat it regularly, they might miss out on important nutrients found in human food.

Treats and Snacks

Some pet treats are tasty for pets but not healthy for people. 

They might have lots of fat or sugar, which can be bad for our health if we eat too much.


So, while certain foods are fine for our furry friends, they might not be safe or healthy for us. It's important to stick to our own human-friendly foods and avoid sharing these items with our pets.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Bones
  2. Raw Meat
  3. Fish Bones
  4. Dog or Cat Food
  5. Treats and Snacks
  6. Conclusion